SEMINAR: Keeping Kids Out of Jails
Monday, June 24, 2024
1:00 - 2:00 pmLOCATION
Placing youth in adult facilities undermines the purpose of the juvenile court system, pursues punishment rather than rehabilitation, and conflicts with what we know from developmental science. Furthermore, youths incarcerated in adult facilities are exposed to a variety of adverse circumstances. The panel will provide an overview and highlight the important work being done under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act core requirements, discouraging the placement of youth in adult facilities, and the National Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) standards. Then a presentation regarding how to work with local sheriffs to keep youth from being held in adult jails, and a discussion of one jurisdiction’s experience in addressing the migration of youth offenders from the adult corrections system to the juvenile justice system. The panel will wrap up with an overview of the National Sheriffs’ Association newly OJJDP funded project that focuses on working with local sheriffs to keep youth out of adult jails and lockups.
PRESENTERS: Dave Mahoney, Sheriff (ret.), NSA Past President, DJM Public Safety Consulting, Didier Moncion, Program Manager, OJJDP