SEMINAR: Why People Leave and Why They Stay: Insights from a National Study of Retention
Thursday, June 27, 2024
10:30 - 11:30 amLOCATION
Despite much of the focus paid to recruitment of new officers, much less focus is being placed on developing strategies to keep good people and to target retention in sheriff’s agencies. Little is known about why law enforcement officers leave, where they go, whether or not they stay in law enforcement, and what strategies to keep good people actually work. This seminar presents results of a national study which examines reasons for current and former law enforcement officers leaving – and staying in – the profession. Discussion includes variables which have been identified as reasons for people leaving, whether or not they leave law enforcement entirely or just switch agencies, and whether or not solutions to offset voluntary turnover in law enforcement are viable given the current economic and hiring climate.
PRESENTERS: Charlie Scheer, Associate Professor, The University of Southern Mississippi, Sheriff Steve Rushing, Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office, Detective Benjamin Ford, Criminal Investigations Unit, Gulfport Police Department, MS