Seminar: Organizational Wellness
Saturday, February 01, 2025
01:00 pm - 02:00 pmLOCATION
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The presentation discusses strategies for law enforcement leaders to create positive mechanisms of support, resilience, and wellness for their officers from recruitment to retirement. It highlights effective strategies for supervisors and managers to be the primary care provider for their people – not just being concerned with how the officer did the job, but more importantly, how the job may be affecting the officer and ways to connect with and support them. It discusses the concepts and implementation of an Early Identification and Intervention System – recognized by CALEA as a best practice since 2002 – based on traumas experienced by the officer which then triggers an agency proactive response. The presentation also discusses one of the most effective treatments to recover and heal from work traumas EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) – which has been endorsed by the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Further information is provided on creating or improving the effectiveness of peer support teams – as well as elements of a wellness program.
PRESENTERS: Captain (ret) Dan Willis, La Mesa Police / National Command and Staff College /