Seminar: Police and the Press: Balancing Operational Challenges of Law Enforcement with Protests, First Amendment Rights
Sunday, February 02, 2025
09:00 am - 10:00 amLOCATION
In the aftermath of BLM protests during which law enforcement and journalists at those events were often in conflict, the Police Executive Research Forum and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press convened a COPS Office–supported roundtable to discuss police-media relations and interactions, especially at mass protests. This past October the DOJ released its report, entitled Police-Media Interactions During Mass Demonstrations, outlining the results of those discussions as well as other investigations into police-press relations, including recommendations as to how those interactions can be improved. This presentation will provide guidance for both law enforcement agencies and media organizations on actions to take before, during, and after protests and other mass gatherings to help agencies balance those operational challenges while upholding the First Amendment rights of the press. It will also address some of the pertinent settlement terms stemming from costly post-protest litigation.
PRESENTERS: Mickey Osterreicher, General Counsel, National Press Photographers Association