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2025 NSA Winter Conference


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Booth: 1012

From rapid deployment to platform-as-a-service, LVT helps you add security to even the most remote locations. Our cloud-based solution and surveillance units are completely mobile, allowing you to implement security in almost any physical environment and still monitor them from the comfort of your office. Here’s what sets us apart: LVT Units consume as little as half the amount of power our competitors’ units use. We lead the industry in uptime. We use a private network so data never touches a public network. Your data is safe with us. LVT can scale quickly and easily for large system deployment. Our units are smart—they can problem solve and self-heal on their own, only requiring humans for bigger decisions. Get fewer alerts and save your energy for the ones that actually need your attention. Our units use significantly less cellular data than competitors. This will save you time and money while ensuring data safety and privacy. LVT’s mission is to make the world safer and more secure through mobile security.


Terann Wagner
Events Manager

Email: terann.wagner@lvt.comPhone: 208-569-2182; 801-221-9408
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